Topical Index


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Oakes’ Critical Care Pocket Guide

Pre-Release Version 

In active development, available to you as it is finalized!  Extensive management algorithms, critical care pharmacology, and more.  Check out the Table of Contents to see for yourself. 

Hint:  Some items on the TOC are “clickable” – that means they are available.  If an item is not yet clickable, it is still in draft form.



Oakes’ Clinical Practitioner’s Pocket Guide #1 for Over 25 Years Now.  Includes Everything from Pharmacology to Respiratory Procedures, EKG’s to Equations to Diseases TABLE of CONTENTS


Oakes’ Ventilator Management An Outstanding Resource for ANYONE working with ventilators.  Includes extensive information on Modes, Management Algorithms, Troubleshooting, and Graphic Interpretation. TABLE of CONTENTS


Pocket Guide
Think you already know ABG’s?  Prove it!  Try taking our test.  This book is a thorough resource on what every critical care professional should know about interpreting and managing ABG’s TABLE of CONTENTS

Instructional Guide
Walks you, step-by-step through the Steps of Interpretation, including double and triple disorders. Includes Clinical Scenarios. TABLE of CONTENTS


Neonatal/Pediatric Respiratory Care
 The Clinical Standard in Respiratory Medicine for Neonates and Pediatrics.  Includes sections on ventilator management and extensive Disease Information. TABLE of CONTENTS


Hemodynamic Monitoring

The Gold Standard for bedside Hemodynamic Monitoring.  Includes Arterial Lines, Central Venous Lines, and Much More.  Used by Therapists (and Nurses!) worldwide. TABLE of CONTENTS